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Profiting from the ESG Religion!

October 19, 2022 | Newsletters

Third Quarter Newsletter 2022

A. Extortion, Shakedown & Grift (ESG)

Everywhere you look you come across the acronym ESG, which officially stands for Environmental, Social & Governance. Like most trends, it’s important to look a little deeper to understand the real agenda. On the surface it sounds so righteous but in reality, ESG (which we like to refer to as Extortion, Shakedown and Grift) is a political tool used by “progressives”—more appropriately called “regressives”—to advance a Marxist/Leftist ideology within the corporate sector. Examples of their agenda include requiring NASDAQ-listed companies to appoint board members based on race and sex rather than competency and merit, and forcing companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions (along with an increasing number of other arbitrary “green” metrics). The assumption is that high greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels are evil and companies must alter their way of doing business, regardless of the costs and without challenging the validity of the assumptions advancing the green agenda. The ESG blueprint is undermining free-market capitalism and threatening our liberties and way of life by pushing a full-fledged ESG religion.

Today, we no longer worship the Creator or rule over His creation as vice-regents as He commanded us to do in the Bible. Instead, we have turned our worship towards the creation and have replaced God and his Word as our source of truth with the State. It is the State that tells us how we can use the resources God has given us, including our own bodies. It is the State that defines what a family is, how many genders exist, when your life begins and ends and what you can put into your body, including what can be forced into your body. It is the State that is regulating who must be considered for positions on the boards of private sector companies. It is the State that thinks it can dictate the terms of Christian/religious worship and it is the State that tells us what content can be taught in our schools. It is the State that is seeking to control our speech and even wants to define what “truth” is for its citizens. The bottom line is that ESG policies are a thinly veiled attempt to radically transform all our institutions into godless “social justice warriors” under the increasing tyranny of the State.

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